Tuesday, March 07, 2006

Two Days in a Row...

Well, it's a record. Two updates in a row.

I did some über knitting over the past two days. Finished a stuffed bunny rabbit (prototype only, need some serious work) the ears are way too long, but I followed the pattern. Silly me. I'm looking forward to doing a better one. Well, actually several better ones...as the ball of yarn I bought is bigger than a freakin' basketball and this took about...well 1/1000th of it. But it's cute. I 'added' the whiskers, they're my own inspiration...yup, I'm awesome.

Here's the slipper (I haven't done the 2nd one yet)
I knit the body parts of the bunny, and 1/2 the slipper during the Oscars, and then assembled the bunny and finished the slipper watching 24 and CSI on Monday night. I only watched 24 to wait for a commercial to call my boss, but then I ended up watching til the end of the show...and now I think I'm hooked. DAMN, like I need another TV show to obsess on.

Anyhoo, I just thought I'd brag about my knitting and stuff, I just figgered out an über easy way to upload photos from my phone, so they'll be lots more updates like this to come.

Buy bye for now!


Acappella Princess said...

Nobody leaves me comments :(

LitWorld said...

sorry signed Mr Comment

LitWorld said...

so there