Tuesday, May 30, 2006

I don't get it

why WHY WHY???

Why is it that the windshield-wiper-fluid-reservoirs in vehicles hold 3 liters of liquid, yet the windshield-wiper-fluid industry insists on packaging it's products in FOUR liter bottles? Why are they forcing us to drive around with these frickin' dribbles of washer fluid, kept in flimsy bottles which NEVER seal properly, all rattling around in our trunks? Just waiting to tip over, and for the vibrations of the road to dislodge the lids enough to send lightblue and/or vibrant pink gunk cascading all over the other contents in the trunk? How difficult is it to make 3 liter bottles? Or bigger reservoirs ? Why can't these people get it together?

And whilst we're on the subject...what is the point of having gas tanks on different sides of the vehicle? Why can't they all be on the left (so that drivers can see if they've closed the tank properly), or the right (so that they can't) ? Why the need for the delicate maneuvering and shuffling of vehciles trying to get their tanks near the hoses? It could all be so orderly, everybody drive up on one side, exiting the other... no more panicked "omigod where's the tank on this flippin' rental" stressouts. How civilized we could all be.For that matter, why don't filling stations sell windshield wiper fluid by the litre? That way you could just 'fill er up when you need to.

Hm.... methinks I need to fill out some Esso comment cards on my way home........

Friday, May 19, 2006

Sometimes free is very expensive...

...went and saw a play at the Timms Centre...called "One Flea Spare".
Basically, I can say two good things about the evening:
1: it was almost worth the cost of intermission (free)
2: we left at intermission.

If you'd like a synopsis (a polite synopsis) then follow the link below. Basically, it takes place during the plague, lots of people are dying, some people are not. Rich people are ignorant, poor people are smelly, nobody's truly happy, because really, "what IS happiness" blah blah blah eye roll eye roll eye roll. Yick.
Oh yes, just in case you might be thinking that if the play takes place in the 1500's we at least escaped the homosexual cliche that plagues (pun intended) modern theatre...think again. Yes, the smelly sailor (who the rich wife is attracted to, despite their class differences, don't tell me you didn't see that coming) admits to having a homosexual relationship. Just admits to it right away, with little or no prodding from the mistress of the house...which I am SURE happened DAILY in the 1500's.....during that oh so Christian Pious time.

It opens with a dirty looking stranger taking a vase off a table to piss into it, he wants to save his pee because of the high content of rum it contains. And that folks was the highlight of the evening. Apparently the playwrite was "inspired by the L.A. riots of 1992", so she wrote a play that has nothing to do with a riot. Riiiiiiiiiiight.

All of this was enhanced by the line of grey-haired ladies in the row in front of us. One of which must have been too embarrassed to admit she left her hearing aid at home, and not wanting to appear to "not get the jokes" decided to insert an audible chuckle after every second line. Interestingly enough, the few vaguely funny lines, she didn't laugh at. Her friend at the end of the row kept forgetting she was watching live theatre and not TV because a couple of times she 'talked back' to the action onstage. Making her the funniest/most entertaining part of the night.

Anyhoo, I really owe Sheena one for suffering through the first act with me, she's a trooper!
