Tuesday, March 28, 2006

I may have to marry this woman...

I know what you're thinking.... "Holy crap not ANOTHER one...what IS it what that family". Well, Shaddup. I don't mean 'marry' as in Lily and Robin..and Lynne and Linda 'marry'. I mean, well..... Ok, it was a bad headline but it caught your attention.

Feast your eyes on the most amazing thing you're likely to see in awhile. Oh I can hear you from here..."Look Sue...we've all seen your freakin' dishcloths ... get OVER yourself already, it a bit of yarn wrapped around itself and you're not impressing anybody anymore."

First of all, you people need to stop being so rude.

Second of all, this mini-dish cloth is different....this one is.... wait for it....NEEDLE-KNIT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! That's right, regular, grown up, like adults do it, needle knit. No "recommended for childen" looms here!
I cast on, knit for (well, either 12 or 24 rows I don't know how to count them in this style and I wasn't paying attention) and CAST OFF, all by myself. Casting off was, embarassingly easy. How did it take me THIS many years to get it?

Who is this future not-quite fiance of mine you may ask? Well, her name is Amy Finlay, and she has the most wicked website on the Internet. And yes, I'm including in the comparison both http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Main_Page and www.nakedgeorgeclooney.com

Her site is www.knittinghelp.com and I'm here to tell you that it's URL more than lives up to it's name.
She has a schwack of videos that show you everything you've ever wanted to know about knitting...and bunch of stuff you never knew you needed to know but you're sure glad you do now. And the best part....if you have to ask her to repeat herself about 10 times (as perhaps, somebody might of whilst learning the continental cast-on maneuver) ....she NEVER loses her patience, and her vocal tone NEVER gets sharp with you. She sounds as delighted and helpful the first time as she does the 10th. I love my Mom...LOTS, but she tended to lose it at about the 3rd time.. the 10th... game over. :)

The sampler...well it has some minor defects (the end of the first row...not so pretty... I blame the incredibly s*#&tty first few singers on American Idol WOW did they stink up the place tonight). But who cares, it's a perfectly respectful sampler, and I love it! The tension is just a little bit different from start to finish, and there are a few spots that look a little 'wonky', but they're minor. I just can't believe I did this without:
SWEARING (no really, I'm sure it's hard to believe, but I didn't once, I sw... er promise).
And my hand didn't cramp up....
and I could always get the yarn in the 2nd loop without the assistance of a jackhammer....
it was AWESOME.

Night night!


Anonymous said...

I'm impressed, as always. I'll supply the batteries.

Julia said...

This isn't so much about your posting, but about the comment left on my posting that wasn't so much about my posting...

Karen Savoca IS AMAZING! I'm glad she has interesting people as a fan base!

I force people to watch the Red Baloon with me...they always say, I think I saw this on film when I was a kid in school! Yep!

Love your bunny knits!
