Wednesday, March 15, 2006

Feeling small minded anyone...

... I know it didn't go perfectly but it was content not format that was the issue. SOMEbody could have said "hey, good crowd, we've never had that many people there for a forum..whose idea was it to have it there....your's Sue?...good job".


I'm just so tired of having to nag for the same things over and over again, every time...why when I ask for something it is NEVER a priority...especially when the stuff I ask for is usually huge things (hellOOO executive elections.... how can people not consider that important) and just the feeling that there's only 'me' in team. Not that that's entirely fair, there are people that try. But somedays I just get the feeling that I only get listened to if I bitch, so why bother asking three times nicely first, why not start out bossy and crabby?


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