Friday, January 19, 2007

What was she expecting?

There have been news articles all over the place, all lamenting about the poor Indian woman who was subjected to racist comments during her time on a British Version of Big Brother.

Well all I've got to say is boo fuckin' hoo. What was she expecting? Those shows are built on the premise of jamming strangers into uncomfortable situations and then watching as people crack. I've seen some of the Big Brother shows. People have called other people: fat, lazy, and ugly. They've mocked some women's overly generous bosoms, they've mocked their underly generous bosoms. They've pretty much attacked anything personal about their fellow contestants that they can.

Now, I can recall no great fall out when people's weight, or genetic predisposition to big hooters was talked about but OOOOOOOOOOOOOOO you bring race into it and everybody freaks. If you're going to make yourself vulnerable to the slings and arrows of other people's insults DON'T GO ON REALITY TV SHOWS THAT ARE ALL ABOUT PEOPLE BACKSTABBING, LYING, AND MENTALLY MANIPULATING OTHERS SO THEY CAN WIN. Try, say, auditioning for Jeopardy. They're much nicer there.

I don't advocate racism, I don't think people have the right to just walk up to someone on the street and say "hey, I don't think your culture cooks vegetables right". I don't think people should be excluded from job rights, access to universal services, or any other basic rights under the law based on their culture/race/background. That is NOT what is going on during that show.
She voluntarily put herself into a position of vulnerability for the sake of: money and 15 minutes of fame. Now she's gonna play the sympathy card and probably "poor me" her way into winning, which is total bullshit. If it WAS Jeopardy and Alex Trebek started saying things like "hey, you're from India, can you phone me later and help me with my computer problems?", then maybe she'd have a case.

Admittedly, I haven't seen the show, but the only comments that I can find quoted on-line are:

"Your culture doesn't cook it's vegetables enough" (her response shouldn't have been tears, it should have been, "My God, coming from a Brit known for boiling the SHIT out of EVERY vegetable they get their hands on, I humbly thank you for the compliment"

"Your voice is screetchy". How is THAT racist? Maybe it is? Lots of people, in lots of cultures have screetchy voices, and they are ANNOYING as HELL.

They've also mocked her accent. They mocked Southern accents on Big Brother in the states, I don't remember any moves to re-open the Civil War over it.

And the world is all up in arms, the Indian Government is investigating, all 'cuz she cried a bit? THAT'S THE WHOLE POINT OF THE FREAKIN' SHOW PEOPLE! Get over it, and get onto REAL issues of racism, not the phoney, (non)reality show trumped up fake situations.

If she'd been denied access to appear on the show due to her background, that would be a problem. Her tears shouldn't be the trigger to international scandal, they should trigger her gettin' voted off as a weakling.

Monday, January 15, 2007

Wedding Announcement

You are currently reading the blog of the future "Mrs. Jack Bauer".

Oh yes, maybe I am setting myself up to be killed in a terrorist revenge scheme...but MY GOD while it lasts...

24 rocks as a show. Totally rocks. Totally. Sigh

Friday, January 12, 2007

It's almost too good to be true...

...Oh, the shitstorm is probably far from over.

But, for now....there is a lull, a release from stress. I want to party and I want to cry. But there's a release.

Now, we'll truly find out if there was a good cop to the bad cop....or if it was bad cop, worse cop.

Sooooooooooooo weird, can't accept it, but it's sooooooooooooooooooooo good.

Thursday, January 04, 2007

It's a disease...really

Craftaholicism. And there ought to be a 12 step program to help you kick it.

The self-destructive need to purchase craft projects that, in reality, have a 0.23% chance of ever getting finished.

I went to Walmart (yes, Walmart....get over it people) to see if I could find slipper yarn like I've bought before. They didn't have it. (and the yarn maker's website says they've never sold it in Canada and I've SO bought skeins of it the HELL did I manage to do that). Anyhoo, I resisted the urge to buy more cotton/dishcloth yarn. (I have a perfectly good skein at HOME, just not HERE) and very self-righteously held myself to only buying a cheap skein of another type of yarn that could be slipper-friendly... and I was ALMOST out of the craft section when... I spotted it.

"Christmas Fabric...75% off". It's like offering heroin to Keith Richards. There wasn't much selection left, but I thought "I'll just look to see if there's anything Carol or Auntie Elaine might like". Well, several minutes of self-delusional thought-processing later...(well, only ONE panel's worth is less than a meter, a mere $2.00....and if it turns out nice I might want to make one for somebody else, maybe one for Linda and Karen...and really, there's only 3 left on the bolt so I might as well buy them all.....) I managed to, and don't ask me how, convince myself that purchasing the fabric for SIX "Mr. and Mrs Claus Door Hangings" for the low-low price of only $9.78 was a good deal.
And it MIGHT be a good deal to someone who:

1: Already has the backing fabric purchased at a reasonable price (which I don't)
2: Already has quilt batting purchased at a reasonable price (which, again I don't)
3: Actually QUILTS for god sakes. (which, I TOTALLY don't)

Why, then, do you ask, would she make another purchase for the "box of broken dreams" craft box? Because I have a problem. A serious, serious problem.

So, if in ten or so years, you get a 1/2 finished Santa wall hanging from me for Christmas... you'll know where it came from

Wednesday, January 03, 2007

OOOh, what to rant about

So the Xmas eatathon is over.
Actually, it was quite a nice Xmas. Had a great visit in with my sister (who maliciously cheated me out of a 50 point bonus in scrabble, and if she tries to deny it ignore her). Karen, Linda and I got a game in too, which was tres fun. (Karen was not the evil malicious aforementioned sister by the way)

Watched the entire last season of 24 over the course of two days with Colin, Ginette and Kelly. It was intense, but AWESOME. Highly recommend such an endeavour. Ginette made some rum punch....OH MY GOD it was good, and STRONG. I was wearing my ridiculously wonderful killer-bunny (a la Monty Python) slippers but had to take them off. I couldn't negotiate the slippers, the punch AND the stairs.
Recipe is easy, I can see this becoming part of my future party-ing repertoire.
What to rant about.... can't complain about my prezzies, they're awesome. Can't complain about the weather, it was fine.
I have to get new tires for my car, which is annoying as it's only got 42 000 ish kilometres on it. Freakin cheap factory tires. BASTARDS!
I suppose I could rant about pot-smoking students, and students that are failing despite being in positions of trust and responsibility, but those would only deteriorate into a whole string of obscenities and would come off more as a web page written by someone suffering from Tourette's. All I'm saying is... 117 days to go, just 117 days!
More later, and HAPPY NEW YEAR