Monday, March 13, 2006

Everybody's slackin' for the weekend....

Gotta love the weekend. Friday night I had dinner with Sheena and Melanie and we got a right good gossip in. Melanie is off for a month in Europe (mostly Amsterdam)...Made me long for a foreign trip of my own. So I started e-filing for a passport on Saturday. Can't travel if you don't have the paperwork! I'll probably only use it to travel to the US...but Sheena mentioned having someone we could stay with if we went to Italy...and it's REALLY been on my mind....

Saturday wasn't feeling well, didn't go to dinner with Anita and friends. Spent the day in the basement drinking tea and watching British BBC DVDs...ended up dreaming in British accents.
Watched some Jeeves and Wooster (good stuff, what). Hugh Laurie looked SOOOOOOOOOO young compared to "House" show nowadays. I took a photo of the screen with my camera, neat huh? I lurve him, and Stephen Frye. These books/series are so deliciously silly. The actor who played "Bingo" is familiar from some other show.. I don't know what, but it's bothering me. Must research it.

I finished a 2nd bunny, and have knit the 'body' of a third. This one is in better proportion to the first, and her tail is sewn better. But I think the front legs are too big, so the back legs have nowhere to go, and she's a little "hunchbacky" if you get my drift. It takes about 2 hours to 'finish' one of these suckers, but that's not a good estimate because I had to pick out a seam that I made a right balls up on.

I gave rodent (Laura) the prototype for her birthday. Which brings me to Sunday..Sunday I read some Douglas Adams (so now I was reading in a British accent) and then went to dinner for Laura's b-day. Fish n' chips and then back to the parental unit's abode for cake. mmmmmmmmm chocolate wafer and whipped cream cake. mmmmmmmmmmm.
Came home and finished the afore-mentioned/photo-d bunny watching desperate housewives and The Family Guy. No "American Dad", and I had no way to tape "Grey's Anatomy", which makes me very sad indeed.

Oh well, gotta toodle off now, what ho.


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