Tuesday, March 28, 2006

Oops, I'm slipping

I guess I don't have much to write about. I finished two more bunnies (tonight) ...I watched a bunch o' DVD's on the weekend (didn't get enuf sleep) ...nuttin' too exciting.

I boycotted a fundraiser dinner Fri night... on a stubborn point. I pick little, silly, mountains to die on, but there you are. They raised a bunch of money, and that's great. I bought coffee for them today, so I did my part.

I've found a great new website. www.knittinghelp.com it's got AWESOME videos to teach you how to knit, and FINALLY 'casting off' makes sense. I don't know why I didn't understand it before. So now I'm jonesin' for needles. Going to raid Mom's stash this week I think...make a dishcloth (oooh, what else is new) I can't wait until I can make myself a sweater. Melanie Z teaches a "how to knit a sweater" course...so maybe I'll end up taking a class from her...stranger things have been known to happen.

Anyhoo, it's late and I gotta catch some zzz's. Later dudes

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