Monday, June 19, 2006

Golf Course Designers.... listen up

I don't know how many of you are reading this blog on a regular basis (I'm sure lots of you).

Well, if you're the one who designed the Pioneer Meadows Golf can KISS MY A*#&!!!

What kind of SICK BASTARD ends on a PAR 5 HOLE !?!?!? I mean..... really. You're golfing away, having some good holes (the par 3's) and some ok-ish holes (the par 4's) and you're just about done when WHAM, when you're at your tired-est (yes that's a word) and all you can really think about is now you get to: eat /drink a beer/have a pee/SIT THE HELL DOWN but nooooOOOOOOOO instead you're faced with a par-flippin-FIVE hole? Who wants to end a round of golf demoralized like that? Not to mention that the freakin' hole has two sand traps too (just in case the 8 strokes it takes to get to the green aren't enough to crush-you-like-a-bug you have to contend with sand. Sheesh.

I know pioneers are supposed to be tough...but c'mon!

1 comment:

LitWorld said...

Okay... this has nothing to do with golf - but rather with your link to the not food site. Question: If a person was really trying to promote Fried Field Rat... shouldn't you say cook til crispy and golden brown??? instead of crispy and yellow??? Rat is a hard sell on its own, but you just got to know that 'golden brown' will augment its appeal better than 'yellow'. C'mon people - this isn't rocket science - it's cooking rodents!!!! make more appealing!!!!