Wednesday, January 03, 2007

OOOh, what to rant about

So the Xmas eatathon is over.
Actually, it was quite a nice Xmas. Had a great visit in with my sister (who maliciously cheated me out of a 50 point bonus in scrabble, and if she tries to deny it ignore her). Karen, Linda and I got a game in too, which was tres fun. (Karen was not the evil malicious aforementioned sister by the way)

Watched the entire last season of 24 over the course of two days with Colin, Ginette and Kelly. It was intense, but AWESOME. Highly recommend such an endeavour. Ginette made some rum punch....OH MY GOD it was good, and STRONG. I was wearing my ridiculously wonderful killer-bunny (a la Monty Python) slippers but had to take them off. I couldn't negotiate the slippers, the punch AND the stairs.
Recipe is easy, I can see this becoming part of my future party-ing repertoire.
What to rant about.... can't complain about my prezzies, they're awesome. Can't complain about the weather, it was fine.
I have to get new tires for my car, which is annoying as it's only got 42 000 ish kilometres on it. Freakin cheap factory tires. BASTARDS!
I suppose I could rant about pot-smoking students, and students that are failing despite being in positions of trust and responsibility, but those would only deteriorate into a whole string of obscenities and would come off more as a web page written by someone suffering from Tourette's. All I'm saying is... 117 days to go, just 117 days!
More later, and HAPPY NEW YEAR

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