Thursday, January 04, 2007

It's a disease...really

Craftaholicism. And there ought to be a 12 step program to help you kick it.

The self-destructive need to purchase craft projects that, in reality, have a 0.23% chance of ever getting finished.

I went to Walmart (yes, Walmart....get over it people) to see if I could find slipper yarn like I've bought before. They didn't have it. (and the yarn maker's website says they've never sold it in Canada and I've SO bought skeins of it the HELL did I manage to do that). Anyhoo, I resisted the urge to buy more cotton/dishcloth yarn. (I have a perfectly good skein at HOME, just not HERE) and very self-righteously held myself to only buying a cheap skein of another type of yarn that could be slipper-friendly... and I was ALMOST out of the craft section when... I spotted it.

"Christmas Fabric...75% off". It's like offering heroin to Keith Richards. There wasn't much selection left, but I thought "I'll just look to see if there's anything Carol or Auntie Elaine might like". Well, several minutes of self-delusional thought-processing later...(well, only ONE panel's worth is less than a meter, a mere $2.00....and if it turns out nice I might want to make one for somebody else, maybe one for Linda and Karen...and really, there's only 3 left on the bolt so I might as well buy them all.....) I managed to, and don't ask me how, convince myself that purchasing the fabric for SIX "Mr. and Mrs Claus Door Hangings" for the low-low price of only $9.78 was a good deal.
And it MIGHT be a good deal to someone who:

1: Already has the backing fabric purchased at a reasonable price (which I don't)
2: Already has quilt batting purchased at a reasonable price (which, again I don't)
3: Actually QUILTS for god sakes. (which, I TOTALLY don't)

Why, then, do you ask, would she make another purchase for the "box of broken dreams" craft box? Because I have a problem. A serious, serious problem.

So, if in ten or so years, you get a 1/2 finished Santa wall hanging from me for Christmas... you'll know where it came from


Anonymous said...

That is painful, Sue. Check yourself into rehab before you do more damage, please.

Oh, and promise me you won't send one of those to me =X...think of the postage!! =S

Acappella Princess said...

You WISH you were worthy of a 1/2 finished door hanging!

Anonymous said...

That hurt.

LitWorld said...

If anyone gets a 1/2 finished Santa before I get a Harlequin Doll...heads will roll.