Tuesday, September 12, 2006

Is there anything uglier?

Is there anything uglier than "Shell Art"

I mean, check out this number, all nice and shelackyy. Who dreams of this shit? That's the ugliest clock I've seen until...

this one, looking kinda floral..if you want a flower encrusted clock, order one, if you want a shell encrusted clock....DON"T GO THERE

And this is a clock AND a thermomenter, encrusted with the things.... GAK. There ought to be a law, that no household object is allowed to be adorned with anymore than 4 shells at any time. In fact, I propose that law right now...any opposition? Hearing none I move that this law is in affect. People the word over now have the right to go into people's homes and dispose of icky tacky shell art. PEOPLE YOU HAVE BEEN EMPOWERED.


LitWorld said...

I've seen that clock before... in Georgia!!!! I found it oddly mesmerizing. It really resin-ated with me.

LitWorld said...

I'll see your shell art and raise you a wine-bottle holder.
