Wednesday, September 20, 2006

Today's giggle

I belong to this webpage called "freecycle" where people give away stuff they don't need anymore. It's to prevent junk going in the dump etc. A good enough site. However, sometimes the things people have to offer (like 1/4 of an opened can of baby formula...who the hell is using that) make my giggle. This one was today's:

"I have 2 things that let the steam out of a pressure cooker. Not sure why since I don't own a pressure cooker"

Not sure why? How can you NOT be SURE? Who impulse buys pressure cooker accessories?



LitWorld said...

You belong to this group? readily? you signed up???? Wow... PS. please don't draw my name at Christmas.(as if our family would ever do this)

Anonymous said...

Sample of what you can get in Kamloops.
I have one half pack of size two diapers - western family brand.

Anonymous said...

Coincidentally..I'm a size two. xD
