Saturday, July 08, 2006

how do people find the time

to compile websites like this?

I barely have time to blog.

I particularly enjoy this evil lettuce Finding something like that would turn me off veggies for a good long time.

And the leering lemon CREEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEPY

This was billed as Dwarf Siamese Albino Cryogenically-preserved Twin Gummy Bears

They look like they're trapped and fearing for their lives.....mmmmmmmmmmmmm terrified gummy bears.

Check the site out, it's awesome.


Anonymous said...

You barely have time to blog because you're way to busy surfing!!!

Acappella Princess said...

That is a very good point.

Sue me.

LitWorld said...

I think you meant "Me Sue"

Acappella Princess said...

oh that joke just NEVER gets old

(or is it never gets funny?)

LitWorld said...

Actually it is "it never gets funnier than when I say it"