Tuesday, May 30, 2006

I don't get it

why WHY WHY???

Why is it that the windshield-wiper-fluid-reservoirs in vehicles hold 3 liters of liquid, yet the windshield-wiper-fluid industry insists on packaging it's products in FOUR liter bottles? Why are they forcing us to drive around with these frickin' dribbles of washer fluid, kept in flimsy bottles which NEVER seal properly, all rattling around in our trunks? Just waiting to tip over, and for the vibrations of the road to dislodge the lids enough to send lightblue and/or vibrant pink gunk cascading all over the other contents in the trunk? How difficult is it to make 3 liter bottles? Or bigger reservoirs ? Why can't these people get it together?

And whilst we're on the subject...what is the point of having gas tanks on different sides of the vehicle? Why can't they all be on the left (so that drivers can see if they've closed the tank properly), or the right (so that they can't) ? Why the need for the delicate maneuvering and shuffling of vehciles trying to get their tanks near the hoses? It could all be so orderly, everybody drive up on one side, exiting the other... no more panicked "omigod where's the tank on this flippin' rental" stressouts. How civilized we could all be.For that matter, why don't filling stations sell windshield wiper fluid by the litre? That way you could just 'fill er up when you need to.

Hm.... methinks I need to fill out some Esso comment cards on my way home........

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